Sharing Leadership


Encouraging and guiding your professional development

Clinical Instruction

Academic and clinical instruction is fundamental for training mental health professionals. To develop professional competence, students must step outside the classroom and practice their skills in clinical settings. Fieldwork experiences (e.g., practicum, internship) provide opportunities for development through experiential learning in a supervised way. Growth as a mental health professional does not end with a degree; working effectively with supervisors is a critical element of professional growth and development throughout one’s career. Supervision is an intervention that a senior member of the profession provides to support gatekeeping for clients and the field. Supervision is a valuable relationship that develops over time. 

Does Dr. Fox provide supervision for graduate students?

Yes, Dr. Fox offers supervised fieldwork training experiences for graduate students associated with credentialed graduate school programs. The graduate-level supervision and training program involves direct and indirect work that focuses on developing the student supervisee’s intervention, personalization, conceptualization, and professional skills.  

Student supervisees may complete activities include but are not limited to observing and conducting clinical work with patients, developing presentations and publications, conducting research, individual and group supervision, and continuing education on relevant topics (e.g., ethics, theoretical orientation, application of therapeutic skills).     

Does Dr. Fox provide supervision for post-graduate students?

Yes, Dr. Fox offers supervised training experiences for post-graduate students eligible to pursue licensure in New York state (NYS) under a limited permit in their profession (e.g., mental health counseling, clinical social work, etc.). Dr. Fox is qualified to supervise limited-permit holders in NYS pursuing licensure as a Licensed Clinical Social Worker, Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist, Licensed Mental Health Counselor, and Licensed Psychologist. 

Post-graduate supervision training with Dr. Fox focuses on deepening the supervisee’s clinical work with patients, expanding their knowledge and practice of ethics, client conceptualization, treatment planning, and therapeutic skill set, participating in individual and group supervision, growing their professional networks, and developing a private practice. 

What is Dr. Fox's approach to supervision?

 Dr. Fox applies developmental and social-role models to supervision. Generally speaking, she considers multiple roles (teacher, counselor, and consultant) and focuses on different skill areas dependent upon the supervisee’s developmental level in their profession. 

Dr. Fox enjoys working with supervisees in various ways, including through self-report, supervision of written material, audiotape, videotape, and live observation. 

In terms of evaluation, Dr. Fox emphasizes process and progress rather than an outcome. She strives to provide supervisees with clear, owned, regular, balanced, and specific feedback. Attention to the supervision process helps facilitate a positive growth experience for all involved. In addition to regular feedback, supervisees will also have an opportunity to evaluate Dr. Fox. 

Meet Dr. Fox's Supervisees

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