Forensic Expertise

My forensic psychological expertise supports various angles of the justice system.

Forensic Expert-Witness Consultation

In my role as a clinical psychologist, I work with attorneys and courts to provide case-relevant knowledge in cases involving D/HH and hard-of-hearing (D/HHH) individuals. I also perform intensive record reviews, with written analysis reports, in addition to providing sworn testimony as an expert witness. Topics addressed in my forensic work include:

  • Psychiatric diagnosis and treatment of a D/HH individual
  • Determination of competency to stand trial of a D/HH individual
  • Evaluation of NGRI (the insanity “defense”) of a D/HH individual
  • Evaluation of issues with “reasonable accommodation and discrimination” as it applies to the Americans With Disabilities Act
  • Evaluating the cognitive and language abilities of a D/HH individual
  • Evaluating the neuropsychological impairment of a D/HH individual
  • Assisting with the Miranda warning and interrogation of a D/HH individual

Psychological Assessment

I have particular expertise regarding the mental health and psychological assessment of D/HH individuals, research methodologies with D/HH persons, D/HH persons and the health care system, accessibility for D/HH persons, cross-cultural ethics in D/HH research, and issues affecting D/HH persons in criminal and civil legal situations.

Communicating with D/HH Individuals

I am able to conduct interviews and assessments with D/HH individuals directly in sign language and am able to communicate with D/HH individuals whose sign language fluency is limited. In cases involving a particular expertise in the psychology field (i.e., sexual offender treatment or neurological injury), I am able to collaborate with experts certified in these specialties but who are not knowledgeable about deafness and sign language. 

Law-Enforcement Consultation

I have enjoyed opening my forensic consultation to working directly with law-enforcement professionals and administration to expand their department’s compliance with Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)-compliant interactions and improve relationships with Deaf hard-of-hearing (D/HH) persons and communities.

In-Person Training

Examples of In-Person Training services include but are not limited to training law enforcement professionals about interacting and communicating with Deaf and hard of hearing (D/HH) persons, use of assistive devices, faux pas to avoid, understanding mental health issues with D/HH persons, etc. In-Person Training Services also include training on psychological issues in law enforcement such as preventing burnout, understanding vicarious trauma, and suicide prevention.

Policy and Procedure Development

Examples of Policy and Procedure Development services include but are not limited to developing policies and procedures sensitive to D/HH persons' needs and rights, cost-effective, conducive to law enforcement work, and compliant with the Americans with Disabilities Act and Rehabilitation Act. 

Case Consultation

Examples of Case Consultation services include but are not limited to providing consultation to law enforcement professionals on cases in-person, telephone, or teleconference on matters such as communication during a crisis, referrals for persons, case development, etc.

Contact Me Today!

Contact me today to learn more about my Forensic Expertise and related contracts and rates.