Forensic Expert-Witness Consultation
In my role as a clinical psychologist, I work with attorneys and courts to provide case-relevant knowledge in cases involving D/HH and hard-of-hearing (D/HHH) individuals. I also perform intensive record reviews, with written analysis reports, in addition to providing sworn testimony as an expert witness. Topics addressed in my forensic work include:
- Psychiatric diagnosis and treatment of a D/HH individual
- Determination of competency to stand trial of a D/HH individual
- Evaluation of NGRI (the insanity “defense”) of a D/HH individual
- Evaluation of issues with “reasonable accommodation and discrimination” as it applies to the Americans With Disabilities Act
- Evaluating the cognitive and language abilities of a D/HH individual
- Evaluating the neuropsychological impairment of a D/HH individual
- Assisting with the Miranda warning and interrogation of a D/HH individual
Psychological Assessment
I have particular expertise regarding the mental health and psychological assessment of D/HH individuals, research methodologies with D/HH persons, D/HH persons and the health care system, accessibility for D/HH persons, cross-cultural ethics in D/HH research, and issues affecting D/HH persons in criminal and civil legal situations.
Communicating with D/HH Individuals
I am able to conduct interviews and assessments with D/HH individuals directly in sign language and am able to communicate with D/HH individuals whose sign language fluency is limited. In cases involving a particular expertise in the psychology field (i.e., sexual offender treatment or neurological injury), I am able to collaborate with experts certified in these specialties but who are not knowledgeable about deafness and sign language.